Money Remittance


The Sync Money remittance API allows partners to send money or airtime to millions of mobile wallets across Africa and beyond. These transfers are real money and can be cashed out, or used to pay for goods and services available on the mobile wallet in the receiving market.

You can use these methods to enable mobile wallet remittances as an MNO, including cash pick-ups. If you are not an MNO, check out our Async Payouts product

This API has three segments:

  1. First, validating the account
  2. Then logging the transaction request
  3. Then committing the transaction.

Instruction as a Receive Amount

Parties who give API instruction as Receive Amount (typically MTOs and Banks) should implement the following call flows to send Money Remittances:

The diagrams below show these three transaction segments for Instruction as Receive Amount and Send Amount.

To mobile wallets:


MTO is Partner: Transaction flows - Money remittance to Mobile Wallet

Instruction as Send Amount

Parties who give API instruction as Send Amount (typically Mobile Money Operators) should implement the following call flows to send Money Remittances:

To mobile wallets:


MNO is Partner: Transaction call flows - Money remittance transaction segments.

If you want to get the exchange rate that will be used for your transaction, you can call the get_rate API method.


Get rate API

Available Methods

MethodDescriptionReturn value
account_requestUsed to check the existence and status of the receiving account on the destination platform.Account
cancel_transUsed to cancel a transaction.EResponse
cancel_voucherUsed to cancel a purchased cash pick-up voucher.EResponse
get_trans_statusUsed to query a transactions status.EResponse
get_voucher_statusUsed to query the cash out status of a cash pick-up transaction.EResponse
get_rate Used to query the prevailing forex rate for destination country and from/to currency, e.g. for Kenya and from USD to KES. This rate can be used by the partner to present back to the customer in a Transfer Proposal or similar.Rate
mm_remit_log Used to initiate but not execute a money remittance to a mobile wallet providing the receive amount as the instruction.TransactionWallet
mm_trans_log Used to initiate but not execute a money remittance to a mobile wallet providing the send amount as the instruction.TransactionWallet
trans_com Used to execute a money transaction.EResponse
get_voucher_statusUsed to query the cash out status of a cash pick-up transaction.EResponse


This method is used to validate a mobile wallet account on the destination platform. Call account_request once per transaction/MSISDN.



This API cannot validate bank account numbers.


<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ws="" xmlns:xsd="http://mfs/xsd">


corporate_codeStringYesUnique corporate code
passwordStringYesSecure password provided separately
to_countryStringYesDestination country code (ISO 3166-2)
msisdnStringYesPassed in ITU-T E.164 GSM DCS 1800 format, e.g. 250700800900


<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="">
      <ns:account_requestResponse xmlns:ns="">
         <ns:return xsi:type="ax21:Wallet" xmlns:ax21="http://mfs/xsd" xmlns:ax23="http://airtime/xsd" xmlns:xsi="">
            <ax21:partner_code xsi:nil="true"/>
            <ax21:status xsi:type="ax21:Status">


msisdn StringReturned in ITU-T E.164 GSM DCS 1800 format, e.g. 250700800900
partner_code StringUnique reference for the destination partner on the Onafriq system
status_code StringThe status of the account (if known).
"Active", Not Active", "Not_MNO", "Suspended", "Ambiguous"


This method is used by partners, typically MTOs, to initialize a remittance transaction to a mobile money wallet.

The partner's instruction is given as Receive Amount. The Onafriq Hub pays out the Receive Amount and depletes the partner's balance in the settlement currency.

Cash pick-up remittances are also covered by this method; such transfers should include the relevant reference value in the ‘’reference’’ field.

In the case of cash pick-up remittances, the relevant voucher number will be returned in the trans_com response.

Cash pickup reference values

Cash pick-up remittances are also covered by this method; such transfers should include the relevant reference value in the ‘’reference’’ field. See Cash Pickup References for the reference values to use.

In the case of cash pick-up remittances, the relevant voucher number will be returned in the trans_com response.



Conditional fields may differ dependent on partners.


<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ws="" xmlns:xsd="http://mfs/xsd">


corporate_codeStringYesUnique corporate code
PasswordStringYesSecure password, that will be separately provided via SMS
amountNumericYesSend amount
currency_codeStringYesSend amount currency code (ISO 4217)
amountNumericYesSending fee amount
currency_codeStringYesFee currency code (ISO 4217)
addressStringConditionalSender’s address
cityStringConditionalSender’s city
date_of_birthdateConditionalSender’s date of birth; YYYY-MM-DD
id_numberStringConditionalSender’s ID number
id_typeStringConditionalPossible values:
"PP" - Passport
"ID" - National ID card
"DL" - Driver’s License, where accepted as legal identification
id_countryStringConditionalSender’s ID country/nationality (ISO 3166-2)
id_expirydateConditionalExpiry date of sender’s ID; YYYY-MM-DD
emailStringNoSender’s email
from_countryStringYesSend country (ISO 3166-2)
msisdnStringYesSender’s mobile number passed in ITU-T E.164 GSM DCS 1800 format, e.g. 250700800900.
Can be passed as empty if sender has no mobile phone.
nameStringYesSender first name
postal_codeStringNoPostal code
surnameStringYesSender surname
addressStringNoRecipient address
date_of_birthdateNoRecipient date of birth; YYYY-MM-DD
id_numberStringNoRecipient ID number
id_typeStringNoPossible values: Refer to Schedule 1.
id_countryStringNoRecipient ID country/nationality
id_expirydateNoExpiry date of Recipient ID; YYYY-MM-DD
emailStringNoRecipient email
msisdnStringYesRecipient mobile number passed in ITU-T E.164 GSM DCS 1800 format, e.g. 250700800900
nameStringYesRecipient first name
postal_codeStringNoPostal code
status_codeStringYesLeave blank
surnameStringYesRecipient surname
to_countryStringYesDestination country (ISO 3166-2)
third_party_trans_idStringYesTransaction ID of the sending partner
referenceString (50 chars)NoA pass-through field that can be used to pass any other relevant detail. Supports comma-separated values, if multiple details are being passed.
For cash pick-up remittances, insert relevant reference value in this field.


<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="">
        <ns:mm_remit_logResponse xmlns:ns="">
            <ns:return xsi:type="ax21:TransactionWallet" xmlns:ax21="http://mfs/xsd" xmlns:ax23="http://airtime/xsd" xmlns:xsi="">
                <ax21:name_match xsi:nil="true"/>
                <ax21:receive_amount xsi:type="ax21:Money">
                <ax21:sanction_list_recipient xsi:nil="true"/>
                <ax21:sanction_list_sender xsi:nil="true"/>
                <ax21:send_amount xsi:nil="true"/>


fx_rateNumericYesRetail exchange rate applied to the customer, used to convert send amount to receive amount
mfs_trans_idStringYesMFS transaction ID
name_matchStringConditionalOptionally returned. Name match (fuzzy) of recipient name as provided by sending partner, with the registered name on receiving platform (where possible).
partner_codeStringYesReceiving partner code
amountNumericYesReceive amount
currency_codeStringYesReceive amount currency code (ISO 4217)
sanction_list_recipientStringNoOptionally returned where sender/recipient names have been provided for Onafriq to screen. Pass/Fail.
sanction_list_senderStringNoOptionally returned where sender/recipient names have been provided for Onafriq to screen. Pass/Fail.
third_party_trans_idStringYesPartner transaction ID
codeStringNoStatus code. See list of codes here.
messageStringNoStatus description


This method is used by partners, typically MNOs, to initialize a remittance transaction to a mobile money wallet.

This transfer proposal will expire daily at 07:30 GMT (where a transfer proposal is aged >30 minutes). Attempts to execute an expired proposal will trigger an error.

The partner's instruction is given in the Send Amount, which Onafriq uses to calculate the Receive Amount, which the Onafriq Hub pays out and depletes the partner's balance in the settlement currency.

Cash pickup reference values

Cash pick-up remittances are also covered by this method; such transfers should include the relevant reference value in the ‘’reference’’ field. See Cash Pickup References for the reference values to use.

In the case of cash pick-up remittances, the relevant voucher number will be returned in the trans_com response.



Conditional fields may differ dependent on partners.


<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:ws="" xmlns:xsd="http://mfs/xsd">


corporate_code StringYesUnique corporate code
Password StringYesSecure password, that will be separately provided via SMS
amount NumericYesSend amount
currency_code StringYesSend amount currency code (ISO 4217)
amount NumericYesSending fee amount
currency_code StringYesFee currency code (ISO 4217)
address StringConditionalSender’s address
city StringConditionalCity
date_of_birth dateConditionalSender’s date of birth; YYYY-MM-DD
id_number StringConditionalSender’s ID number
id_type StringConditionalPossible values:
"PP" - Passport
"ID" - National ID card
"DL" - Driver’s License, where accepted as legal identification
id_country StringConditionalSender’s ID country/nationality
id_expiry dateConditionalExpiry date of sender’s ID; YYYY-MM-DD
email StringNoSender’s email
from_country StringYesSend country (ISO 3166-2)
msisdn StringYesSender’s mobile number passed in ITU-T E.164 GSM DCS 1800 format, e.g. 250700800900.
Can be passed as empty if sender has no mobile phone.
name StringYesSender first name
postal_code StringNoPostal code
state StringNoState
surname StringYesSender surname
address StringNoRecipient address
city StringNoCity
date_of_birth dateNoRecipient date of birth; YYYY-MM-DD
id_number StringNoRecipient ID number
id_type StringNoPossible values: Refer to Schedule 1.
id_country StringNoRecipient ID country/nationality
id_expiry dateNoExpiry date of Recipient ID; YYYY-MM-DD
email StringNoRecipient email
msisdn StringYesRecipient mobile number passed in ITU-T E.164 GSM DCS 1800 format, e.g. 250700800900
name StringYesRecipient first name
postal_code StringNoPostal code
state StringNoState
status_code StringYesLeave blank
surname StringYesRecipient surname
to_country StringYesDestination country (ISO 3166-2)
third_party_trans_id StringYesTransaction ID of the sending partner
referenceString (50 chars)NoA pass-through field that can be used to pass any other relevant detail. Supports comma-separated values, if multiple details are being passed.
For cash pick-up remittances, insert relevant reference value in this field.


<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="">
      <ns:mm_trans_logResponse xmlns:ns="">
         <ns:return xsi:type="ax21:TransactionWallet" xmlns:ax21="http://mfs/xsd" xmlns:ax23="http://airtime/xsd" xmlns:xsi="">
            <ax21:receive_amount xsi:type="ax21:Money">


fx_rateNumericYesRetail exchange rate applied to the customer, used to convert send amount to receive amount
mfs_trans_idStringYesMFS transaction ID
name_matchStringConditionalOptionally returned. Name match (fuzzy) of recipient name as provided by sending partner, with the registered name on receiving platform (where possible).
partner_codeStringYesReceiving partner code
amountNumericYesReceive amount
currency_codeStringYesReceive amount currency code (ISO 4217)
sanction_list_recipientStringNoOptionally returned where sender/recipient names have been provided for Onafriq to screen. Pass/Fail.
sanction_list_senderStringNoOptionally returned where sender/recipient names have been provided for Onafriq to screen. Pass/Fail.
third_party_trans_idStringYesPartner transaction ID
codeStringNoStatus code. See list of codes here.
messageStringNoStatus description


Used by partners to execute a transaction for delivery to the destination account.

The transfer proposal must be committed before it expires. Proposals will expire daily at 07:30 GMT (where a transfer proposal is aged >30 minutes). Attempts to execute an expired proposal will trigger an error.

In the case of cash pick-up remittances, the relevant voucher number will be returned in the trans_com response.


<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ws="" xmlns:xsd="http://mfs/xsd">
         <ws: trans_id></ws: trans_id>


corporate_codeStringYesUnique corporate code
passwordStringYesSecure password provided separately
trans_idStringYesTransaction ID on the Onafriq Hub or Transaction ID of the sending partner


<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="">
  <ns:trans_comResponse xmlns:ns="">
         <ns:return xsi:type="ax21:EResponse" xmlns:ax21="http://mfs/xsd" xmlns:ax23="http://airtime/xsd" xmlns:xsi="">
            <ax21:code xsi:nil="true"/>
            <ax21:e_trans_id xsi:nil="true"/>
            <ax21:message xsi:nil="true"/>
            <ax21:mfs_trans_id xsi:nil="true"/>
            <ax21:third_party_trans_id xsi:nil="true"/>


mfs_trans_id StringYesMFS transaction ID
code StringYesTransaction status code. See list of codes here.
e_trans_id StringYesTransaction ID of the receiving platform
In the case of cash pick-up remittances, this value will be the voucher number
message StringNoWhere available, description of the transaction status.
third_party_trans_id StringYesPartner's transaction ID


This method is used to query the prevailing forex rate for a currency pair e.g. from GBP to KES, or KES to UGX.

The forex rate is expressed as 1 Sending currency unit equals X Receive currency units, e.g. a partner sending a transaction from the UK to Kenya would see the rate as 1 GBP = 140 KES.

get_rate should only be called a maximum of three times per day at 7am, 9am, 12pm GMT. We set rates once daily before 9am GMT.


<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ws="" xmlns:xsd="http://mfs/xsd">


corporate_codeStringYesUnique corporate code
passwordStringYesSecure password provided separately
to_countryStringYesDestination country (ISO 3166-2)
from_currencyStringYesSend currency code (ISO 4217)
to_currencyStringYesReceive currency code (ISO 4217)


<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="">
      <ns:get_rateResponse xmlns:ns="" xmlns:ax21="http://mfs/xsd" xmlns:ax23="http://airtime/xsd">
         <ns:return xsi:type="ax21:Rate" xmlns:xsi="">


Per Partner
from_currencyStringSend currency code (ISO 4217)
fx_rateNumericValue of the exchange rate
partner_codeStringUnique reference code for the partner on the Onafriq system
time_stampDatetimeTimestamp of the forex rate, in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS (GMT)
to_currencyStringReceive currency code (ISO 4217)


A transaction that has been initiated but not yet executed can be canceled - i.e. you can cancel a transaction that has been created (mm_trans_log ), but not if executed by trans_com.

To cancel a transaction, the partner should call this method once only per transaction it wishes to cancel.

A transaction that has been executed, but has a status of queued (MR108) may be canceled using this method, while the status remains queued MR108.


<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ws="" xmlns:xsd="http://mfs/xsd">


corporate_codeStringYesUnique corporate code
passwordStringYesSecure password provided separately
trans_idStringYesTransaction ID on the Onafriq Hub or Transaction ID of the sending partner


<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="">
        <ns:cancel_transResponse xmlns:ns="">
         <ns:return xsi:type="ax21:EResponse" xmlns:ax21="http://mfs/xsd" xmlns:ax23="http://airtime/xsd" xmlns:xsi="">
            <ax21:message xsi:nil="true"/>
            <ax21:third_party_trans_id xsi:nil="true"/>


mfs_trans_idStringMFS transaction ID
codeStringTransaction status code of the MFS transaction ID queried. See list of codes.
e_trans_idStringWhere available, contains the transaction ID of the receiving platform. This is different from the MFS transaction ID.
messageStringWhere available, description of the transaction status.
third_party_trans_idStringPartner transaction ID


A cash-pick up voucher that has been purchased via the hub can be cancelled where the provider allows for cancellation - i.e. you can cancel a cash-pick up transaction that has been created and (mm_trans_log, mm_remit_log), and executed by trans_com.

Post successful cancellation a reversal transaction is created.


<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ws="" xmlns:xsd="http://mfs/xsd">


corporate_codeStringYesUnique corporate code
passwordStringYesSecure password provided separately
mfs_trans_idStringYesMFS transaction ID for the original voucher purchase transaction.
third_party_trans_idStringYesPartner Transaction ID for the cancellation instruction
voucher_codeStringYesVoucher code to be cancelled
voucher_partnerStringYesVoucher issuer, as per instruction i.e. Wari; Express etc.


<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="">
        <ns:cancel_voucherResponse xmlns:ns="">
            <ns:return xsi:type="ax21:Voucher" xmlns:ax21="http://mfs/xsd" xmlns:ax23="http://airtime/xsd" xmlns:xsi="">
                <ax21:code xsi:type="ax21:Code">
                <ax21:message>Cancellation of voucher is successful</ax21:message>


mfs_trans_idStringYesMFS Hub transaction ID for the cancellation request
voucher_codeStringYesVoucher code that was cancelled
codeStringYesStatus code
messageStringYesStatus description


This method is used to query a transaction status.

Where you get an inconclusive result (MR102 or MR 103), you should wait for 10 seconds and call get_trans_status, if the result remains MR102 or MR 103 then wait another 10 seconds and call get_trans_status a second time, if the result remains MR102 or MR 103 then wait another 10 seconds and call get_trans_status a final third time.

After the third attempt, if still inconclusive (MR102 or MR103), stop calling and log a ticket with Onafriq Support.

Where you receive a queued transaction result (MR108), you should wait 60 minutes before calling get_trans_status, once per transaction ID. If the result remains MR108, call get_trans_status every 60 minutes, but only once per transaction ID, until you obtain an MR101 or ER response.

See the full list of codes here.


<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ws="" xmlns:xsd="http://mfs/xsd">
         <ws: trans_id></ws: trans_id> 


corporate_codeStringYesUnique corporate code
passwordStringYesSecure password provided separately
trans_idStringYesTransaction ID on the Onafriq Hub or Transaction ID of the sending partner


<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=""> 
      <ns:get_trans_statusResponse xmlns:ns=""> 
         <ns:return xsi:type="ax21:EResponse" xmlns:ax21="http://mfs/xsd"  
<ax21:mfs_trans_id xsi:nil="true"/> 
            <ax21:code xsi:nil="true"/> 
            <ax21:e_trans_id xsi:nil="true"/> 
            <ax21:message xsi:nil="true"/> 
<ax21:third_party_trans_id xsi:nil="true"/> 


mfs_trans_idStringYesMFS transaction id.
codeStringYesTransaction status code of the MFS transaction ID queried. See list of codes here.
e_trans_idStringYesWhere available, contains the transaction ID of the receiving platform. This is different from the MFS transaction ID.
messageStringYesStatus description
third_party_trans_idStringYesPartner transaction ID


The get_voucher_status method allows for you to query the cash-out status of successfully executed cash pick-up instruction.

24 hours after successful execution of a cash pick-up instruction, call get_voucher_status. An immediate response will be returned providing the latest cash-pickup status. Where cash pick-up status is not complete, the response will be followed by a call back on the update of the cash-pickup status.


<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ws="" xmlns:xsd="http://mfs/xsd">
              <xsd:corporate_code> </xsd:corporate_code>
                 <xsd:password> </xsd:password>
         <ws:voucher_partner> </ws:voucher_partner>
         <ws:urlConfirmation> </ws:urlConfirmation>


corporate_codeStringYesUnique corporate code
passwordStringYesSecure password provided separately
mfs_trans_idStringYesMFS transaction id.
voucher_codeStringYesVoucher code
voucher partnerStringYesVoucher issuer, as per instruction i.e. Wari; Express etc.
urlConfirmationStringYesThis is the URL we call with the voucher cash pick up status.

Cash pickup reference values

If doing a cash pick-up transaction, see Cash Pickup References for the reference values to use


<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="">
      <ns:get_voucher_statusResponse xmlns:ns="">
         <ns:return xsi:type="ax21:Voucher" xmlns:ax21="http://mfs/xsd" xmlns:ax23="http://airtime/xsd" xmlns:xsi="">
            <ax21:code xsi:type="ax21:Code">
            <ax21:receive_partner> </ax21:receive_partner>


mfs_trans_idStringYesMFS transaction id.
voucher_codeStringYesVoucher code
receive_partnerStringYesVoucher issuer
codeStringYesStatus code
messageStringYesStatus description


  "message":"Cash Pick Up Complete"

Status values

MR105Cash Pick Up CompleteThe voucher cash pick up has been completed.No further action is required.
MR106Cash Pick Up PendingThe voucher cash pick up has not been completed.No further action is required.
MR107Cash Pick Up CancelledThe voucher for cash pick up has been cancelled.No further action is required.