Portal Payments API (reserved)


The Portal Payments API is reserved - use it only if you need the following features.

In most cases, you should use the Payment APIs.

Use the Portal Payments API ONLY if:

  • If you need special features like maker/checker approvals, retries, withdrawal fees or sub-accounts
  • If you are already using the Portal to disburse payments
  • If you are sending payments to a location that is not yet fully supported by the Hub Payment APIs.

The Portal Payments API allows you to send funds or airtime to a mobile subscriber or funds to a bank account.

When you create a payment, we do a few checks before sending out the payment.

  1. First, we check that you have sufficient funds in your wallet.
  2. Second, we check that the name and National ID of the recipient match the details that are registered with the MNO, where applicable.
  3. Third, we will check your payment approval rules to see who needs to approve the payment before sending it out.
  4. Finally, once all checks pass, we send the funds.

You can also use the payments API to retrieve individual payments or list all payments.

The Portal Payments API endpoint is:

The Payment object

   "id" : 22744,
   "cancelled_time" : null,
   "start_date" : "2016-03-31T08:08:01Z",
   "modified" : "2018-02-13T06:02:20Z",
   "phone_nos" : [
         "metadata" : null,
         "amount" : "1200.0000",
         "last_error" : "Recipient mobile money readiness checks failed.+256773712831",
         "state" : "error",
         "contact" : "2978",
         "batch_id" : 437751,
         "description" : "Per diem",
         "phonenumber" : "+256773712831",
         "payment_id" : 123209
   "organization" : 4,
   "author" : 134,
   "created" : "2016-03-31T08:08:01Z",
   "send_sms_message" : false,
   "updated_by" : 134,
   "rejected_time" : null,
   "metadata" : {
      "s_batchpaymentschedule4123" : null
   "remote_transaction_id" : null,
   "cancelled_by" : null,
   "charged_fee" : 0,
   "account" : 48,
   "cancelled_reason" : null,
   "transactions" : [],
   "rejected_by" : null,
   "description" : "Per diem",
   "currency" : "UGX",
   "amount" : "1200.00",
   "rejected_reason" : null,
   "payment_type" : "money",
   "last_error" : "Last Error: System error. - Recipient mobile money readiness checks failed.+256773712831",
   "state" : "processed_with_errors"


idlong integerUnique object identifier
organizationlong integerThe ID of the organization that the payment belongs to. (This is usually your organization ID)
payment_typeStringThe payment type. Either “money” for mobile money or “airtime” for airtime
amountdecimalThe payment amount
currencystringThe 3 letter ISO currency code for the payment. Note: BXC is the Beyonic Test Currency code. See the “Testing” section for more information. Supported currency codes are BXC (Testing), UGX (Uganda), KES (Kenya)
accountlong integerThe ID of the account from which the payment is made
descriptionstringThe payment description
phone_nosdictionaryA dictionary of phone numbers that this payment was sent to and the amounts sent to each number New in v5 Before v5, this was a list of phone numbers only
start_datestringThe date that the payment is scheduled to be delivered, in the UTC timezone. Format: “YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ”
metadatahashAny custom metadata that was added to the contact object at creation time
statestringThe payment state. One of: new, validated, approval_needed, approval_requested, approved, rejected, scheduled, processed, processed_with_errors or cancelled
last_errorstringA string description of the latest error that occurred, if any
rejected_reasonstringDescribes why the payment was rejected, if it is in the rejected state
rejected_timestringThe date that the payment was rejected, in the UTC timezone. Format: “YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ”
rejected_bylong integerThe ID of the user who rejected the payment
cancelled_reasonstringDescribes why the payment was cancelled, if it is in the cancelled state
cancelled_timestringThe date that the payment was cancelled, in the UTC timezone. Format: “YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ”
cancelled_bylong integerThe ID of the user who cancelled the payment
createdstringThe date that the payment was created, in the UTC timezone. Format: “YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ”
authorlong integerThe ID of the user who created the payment
modifiedstringThe date that the payment was last modified, in the UTC timezone. Format: “YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ”
updated_bystringThe ID of the user who last updated the payment
remote_transaction_idstringThe transaction id provided by the mobile network operator. This will only be available once the payment is completed.
send_sms_messagebooleanDefaults to False. Indicates whether we should send the description as a separate sms message to the consumer. Additional SMS fees apply. See https://beyonic.com/pricing for fees information. When SMS is enabled, can use the following placeholders in the description for personalization: {firstname}, {fullname}, {phone}, {amount}
charged_feedecimalThe fee that was charged. It is only available for completed payments.

Creating a new payment

To create a new payment, make a POST to the end point above, as shown in the examples below.



  • A contact is created for each new phone number you send payments to. This gives you the benefits of the pre-verification checks that are done prior to payment processing.
  • If the contact isn’t registered for mobile money, then the payment will not be sent.
  • Important: One of the pre-verification checks does a name match check to make sure that the contact name is right. This check can cause your payments to fail if the names that you are sending are not the same as the names in the telecom database. If you want to by-pass this check, go into your settings in your account and uncheck the checkbox that says “Name match affects payment”.
  • Important: For Kenyan payments, the verification is done using the national id of the contact. if you have the “Name match affects payment” setting turned on and you add national_id and national_id_type in your request, the telecom will use those to verify if you are paying the right recipient.
  • Important: The account and currency parameters are both optional but you must provide one of them. If you provide both them then the account’s currency must match the currency parameter.
curl https://api.mfsafrica.com/api/payments -H "Authorization: Token ab594c14986612f6167a975e1c369e71edab6900" \
-d phonenumber=+80000000001 \
-d first_name=Kennedy\
-d last_name=Amani\
-d currency=BXC \
-d amount=30 \
-d description="Per diem payment" \
-d callback_url="https://my.website/payments/callback" \
-d payment_type=money

$payment = Beyonic_Payment::create(array(
  "phonenumber" => "+80000000001",
  "first_name" => "Kennedy",
  "last_name" => "Kennedy",
  "amount" => "100.2",
  "currency" => "BXC",
  "description" => "Per diem payment",
  "payment_type" => "money",
  "callback_url" => "https://my.website/payments/callback",
  "metadata" => array("id"=>"1234", "name"=>"Lucy")

print_r($payment);  // Examine the returned object
require 'beyonic'
Beyonic.api_key = 'ab594c14986612f6167a975e1c369e71edab6900'

payment = Beyonic::Payment.create(
    phonenumber: "+80000000001",
    first_name: "Kennedy",
    last_name: "Amani",
    amount: "100.2",
    currency: "BXC",
    description: "Per diem payment",
    payment_type: "money",
    callback_url: "https://my.website/payments/callback",
    metadata: {id: "1234", name: "Lucy"}

p payment  # Examine the returned object
import beyonic
beyonic.api_key = 'ab594c14986612f6167a975e1c369e71edab6900'

payment = beyonic.Payment.create(phonenumber='+80000000001',
                       description='Per diem',
                       metadata={'id': '1234', 'name': 'Lucy'}

print payment  # Examine the returned object
package com.beyonic.examples;

import com.beyonic.models.Collection;
import com.beyonic.exceptions.BeyonicException;

Beyonic.API_KEY = "ab594c14986612f6167a975e1c369e71edab6900";

String response = null;

    HashMap<String, Object> paymentCreate = new HashMap<>();
    paymentCreate.put("phonenumber", "+80000000001");
    paymentCreate.put("first_name", "Kennedy");
    paymentCreate.put("last_name", "Amani");
    paymentCreate.put("currency", "BXC");
    paymentCreate.put("amount", "30");
    paymentCreate.put("description", "Per diem payment");
    paymentCreate.put("payment_type", "money");
    response = new Payment().create(paymentCreate, null);
catch (BeyonicException e){


Parameter (*required field)TypeDescription
Ex. +80000000001
Must be in international format. * Only required if recipient_data is not set.
Ex. money
Options: money (default), airtime - use “airtime” to send an airtime payment instead of a mobile money payment
amount*String, Integer or Decimal
Ex. 3000
Do not include thousands separators
3 letter ISO currency code. No currency conversion is done, so the currency must be valid for the selected phonenumber. You must have a funded Beyonic account in this currency. If your account for this currency has zero balance, your payment will fail. If you also provide an account parameter then the account’s currency must match the currency parameter. Note:: BXC is the Beyonic Test Currency code. See the “Testing” section for more information. Supported currency codes are BXC (Testing), UGX (Uganda), KES (Kenya)
Ex. 1
The ID of the account from which you are making the payment. The account must be active and funded. If the account has zero balance, your payment will fail. This parameter is optional if a currency is provided. If you have more than one account with the same currency, and you leave this parameter out, the earliest created account (oldest account) that is still active will be used.
Ex. Per diem payment
This description will be sent to the recipient along with the payment, so it should be limited to about 140 characters.
Ex. https://my.website/payments/callback
This field only exists for versions below 5, but it does nothing. Use the portal to create callback URLs.
metadataJSON-formatted string or dictionary
Ex. “{‘id’:‘1234’,‘name’:‘Lucy’}”
Metadata allows you to add custom attributes to your payments. E.g. You can include a unique ID to identify each payment. Attributes must be key-value pairs. Both the keys and values must be strings. You can add up to 10 attributes. This data will be returned when you retrieve a payment.
Ex. John
If this payment is to a new contact, you can include their first name. This name will only be used if the phone number is new.
Ex. Doe
If this payment is to a new contact, you can include their last name. This name will only be used if the phone number is new.
Ex. 1234
The national id used to register the phone number with the telecom.You can include the national id for new and existing contacts.You must also set the national_id_type field if you include national_id field.
Ex. passport
Please specify one of the following national_id_type for every national_id added:‘passport’ for passport type, ‘military’ for military type or ‘national’ for national id type.
recipient_dataJSON-formatted list of dictionaries
Ex. [{‘phonenumber’: ‘+256712321232’, ‘amount’: 500},…]
Used to send multiple payments in one request. See the section: “Creating multiple Payments” Below for more details


If successful, a JSON representation of the new payment object will be returned. The state field will be “new”.

The returned payment object has a unique ID field that can be used to identify it, or you could inspect it to identify the metadata that you supplied when creating the object.

On subsequent notification callbacks to your callback URL, the same payment object (with the same id field) will be returned. Check the state field for the latest payment status.

The state field values can be:

  • new – for new payments
  • processed – for successfully completed payments
  • processed_with_errors – for payments that didn’t complete successfully. The last_error field with have more information.
  • rejected – for payments that were rejected during the approval process. The following fields will have more information: rejected_reason, rejected_by and rejected_time
  • cancelled – for payments that were cancelled. The following fields will have more information:
  • cancelled_reason, cancelled_by and cancelled_time

Sample response



If you use one of the development libraries, the response is automatically converted into a native object for you, so you can access the parameters as you would normally access object parameters in your language of choice.

   "id" : 22744,
   "cancelled_time" : null,
   "start_date" : "2016-03-31T08:08:01Z",
   "modified" : "2018-02-13T06:02:20Z",
   "phone_nos" : [
         "metadata" : null,
         "amount" : "1200.0000",
         "last_error" : "Recipient mobile money readiness checks failed.+256773712831",
         "state" : "error",
         "contact" : "2978",
         "batch_id" : 437751,
         "description" : "Per diem",
         "phonenumber" : "+256773712831",
         "payment_id" : 123209
   "organization" : 4,
   "author" : 134,
   "created" : "2016-03-31T08:08:01Z",
   "send_sms_message" : false,
   "updated_by" : 134,
   "rejected_time" : null,
   "metadata" : {
      "s_batchpaymentschedule4123" : null
   "remote_transaction_id" : null,
   "cancelled_by" : null,
   "charged_fee" : 0,
   "account" : 48,
   "cancelled_reason" : null,
   "transactions" : [],
   "rejected_by" : null,
   "description" : "Per diem",
   "currency" : "UGX",
   "amount" : "1200.00",
   "rejected_reason" : null,
   "payment_type" : "money",
   "last_error" : "Last Error: System error. - Recipient mobile money readiness checks failed.+256773712831",
   "state" : "processed_with_errors"

Creating multiple Payments

Beyonic now supports creation of multiple payments via API. When multiple payments are created via one API call, they will all be part of the same payment schedule, making it easier for you to perform bulk operations such as approval.

To create a bulk payment, you have to include an extra field called “recipient_data” in the request payload.

recipient_data should be a list of dictionaries, each containing the following fields :

  • first_name, last_name, national_id, national_id_type, phonenumber, amount, description

Phonenumber is a mandatory field. Amount can be nullable, but if missing then it must be set in the main payload. In this case each user will be paid the same amount in the payload. If provided in the recipient_data dictionaries then each user will be paid the amounts specified in the recipient_data. The rest of the fields are optional.

Sample request

curl -d '{"currency": "BXC", "description": "Test response on mutiples", "callback_url": "https://my.url.com/callback", "payment_type": "money", "account": 1, "recipient_data": "[\\n {\\n  \\"amount\\": 1,\\n \\"phonenumber\\": \\"+80000000001\\",\\n \\"first_name\\": \\"Jerry\\",\\n  \\"last_name\\": \\"Airtel\\",\\n \\"description\\": \\"This is a payment to {first_name}. This desc is in child obj.\\"\\n\\n  },\\n {\\n  \\"phonenumber\\": \\"+80000000002\\",\\n \\"description\\": \\"What the response?\\",\\n  \\"amount\\":5\\n }\\n ]\\n "}' \
-H "Authorization: Token ab594c14986612f6167a975e1c369e71edab6900" \
-H "Content-type : application/json" \

$recipient_data = [
    array("phonenumber" => "+254727447101", "first_name" => "Jerry", "last_name" => "Shikanga", "amount" => 500, "description" => "Per diem payment"),
    array("phonenumber" => "+254739936708", "amount" => 30000, "description" => "Salary for January")


$payment = Beyonic_Payment::create(array(
  "currency" => "BXC",
  "description" => "Per diem payment",
  "payment_type" => "money",
  "callback_url" => "https://my.website/payments/callback",
  "metadata" => array("id"=>"1234", "name"=>"Lucy"),
  "recipient_data" => json_encode($recipient_data)

print_r($payment);  // Examine the returned object
require 'beyonic'
Beyonic.api_key = 'ab594c14986612f6167a975e1c369e71edab6900'

recipient_data = [
                   {phonenumber: "+254727447101",first_name: "Jerry", last_name: "Shikanga", amount: 500, description: "Per diem payment2"},
                   {phonenumber: "+254739936708", amount: 30000, description:"Salary for January2"}

payment = Beyonic::Payment.create(
    currency: "BXC",
    description: "Per diem payment",
    payment_type: "money",
    callback_url: "https://my.website/payments/callback",
    metadata: {id: "1234", name: "Lucy"},
    recipient_data: recipient_data.to_json

p payment  # Examine the returned object
import json
import beyonic
beyonic.api_key = 'ab594c14986612f6167a975e1c369e71edab6900'

recipients = [
    {"amount":54, "phonenumber":"+80000000001"},
    {"amount":23, "phonenumber":"+80000000023"},
payment = beyonic.Payment.create(
                       description='Per diem',
                       metadata={'id': '1234', 'name': 'Lucy'},

print payment  # Examine the returned object
package com.beyonic.samples;

import com.beyonic.models;
import com.beyonic.exceptions.BeyonicException;
import org.json.JSONArray;
import org.json.JSONObject;

// Multiple payments
JSONObject recipient1 = new JSONObject();
recipient1.put("amount", 15);
recipient1.put("phonenumber", "+80000000001");
JSONObject recipient2 = new JSONObject();
recipient2.put("amount", 25);
recipient2.put("phonenumber", "80000000005");
recipient2.put("description", "Cool guy benefits");
JSONArray recipientsArray = new JSONArray();

HashMap<String, Object> mutiplePayments = new HashMap<>();
mutiplePayments.put("recipient_data", recipientsArray.toString());
mutiplePayments.put("currency", "BXC");
mutiplePayments.put("description", "Per diem payment");
mutiplePayments.put("payment_type", "airtime");
response = new Payment().create(mutiplePayments, null);

Sample response

   "id" : 22744,
   "cancelled_time" : null,
   "start_date" : "2016-03-31T08:08:01Z",
   "modified" : "2018-02-13T06:02:20Z",
   "phone_nos" : [
         "metadata" : null,
         "amount" : "1200.0000",
         "last_error" : "Recipient mobile money readiness checks failed.+256773712831",
         "state" : "error",
         "contact" : "2978",
         "batch_id" : 437751,
         "description" : "Per diem",
         "phonenumber" : "+254727447101",
         "payment_id" : 123209
         "metadata" : null,
         "amount" : "1200.0000",
         "last_error" : "Recipient mobile money readiness checks failed.+256773712831",
         "state" : "error",
         "contact" : "2978",
         "batch_id" : 437751,
         "description" : "Per diem",
         "phonenumber" : "+254739936708",
         "payment_id" : 123209
   "organization" : 4,
   "author" : 134,
   "created" : "2016-03-31T08:08:01Z",
   "send_sms_message" : false,
   "updated_by" : 134,
   "rejected_time" : null,
   "metadata" : {
      "s_batchpaymentschedule4123" : null
   "remote_transaction_id" : null,
   "cancelled_by" : null,
   "charged_fee" : 0,
   "account" : 48,
   "cancelled_reason" : null,
   "transactions" : [],
   "rejected_by" : null,
   "description" : "Per diem",
   "currency" : "UGX",
   "amount" : "1200.00",
   "rejected_reason" : null,
   "payment_type" : "money",
   "last_error" : "Last Error: System error. - Recipient mobile money readiness checks failed.+256773712831",
   "state" : "processed_with_errors"

Creating bank Payments

To send a bank payment you will have to include these extra fields. Bank payments are not available from cross border wallets/accounts.

Field (* required field)TypeDescription
account_number*long integerRecipient's account number at the bank
account_name*stringThe name of the recipient's account. Ex. "checking", "saving"
bank*integerID of the bank as found from the list available at /api/banks -TODO link to banks API
email*stringEmail address associated with the bank account.

Retrieving a single Payment

To retrieve a single payment object, provide the payment id and a payment object will be returned.

Field (*required field)TypeDescription
Ex. 2314
The id of the payment you want to retrieve

Sample Request

curl https://api.mfsafrica.com/api/payments/22744 -H "Authorization: Token ab594c14986612f6167a975e1c369e71edab6900"
package com.beyonic;

import com.beyonic.exceptions.BeyonicException;
import com.beyonic.models.*;

Beyonic.API_KEY = "ab594c14986612f6167a975e1c369e71edab6900";

String response = null;

response = new Payment().get(123);

$payment = Beyonic_Payment::get(22744);

print_r($payment);  // Examine the returned object
import beyonic
beyonic.api_key = 'ab594c14986612f6167a975e1c369e71edab6900'

payment = beyonic.Payment.get(22744)

print payment  # Examine the returned object
require 'beyonic'
Beyonic.api_key = 'ab594c14986612f6167a975e1c369e71edab6900'

payment = Beyonic::Payment.get(22744)

p payment  # Examine the returned object

Sample Response



Sample Response (JSON) - if you use one of the development libraries, this is automatically converted into a native object for you:

   "id" : 22744,
   "cancelled_time" : null,
   "start_date" : "2016-03-31T08:08:01Z",
   "modified" : "2018-02-13T06:02:20Z",
   "phone_nos" : [
         "metadata" : null,
         "amount" : "1200.0000",
         "last_error" : "Recipient mobile money readiness checks failed.+256773712831",
         "state" : "error",
         "contact" : "2978",
         "batch_id" : 437751,
         "description" : "Per diem",
         "phonenumber" : "+256773712831",
         "payment_id" : 123209
   "organization" : 4,
   "author" : 134,
   "created" : "2016-03-31T08:08:01Z",
   "send_sms_message" : false,
   "updated_by" : 134,
   "rejected_time" : null,
   "metadata" : {
      "s_batchpaymentschedule4123" : null
   "remote_transaction_id" : null,
   "cancelled_by" : null,
   "charged_fee" : 0,
   "account" : 48,
   "cancelled_reason" : null,
   "transactions" : [],
   "rejected_by" : null,
   "description" : "Per diem",
   "currency" : "UGX",
   "amount" : "1200.00",
   "rejected_reason" : null,
   "payment_type" : "money",
   "last_error" : "Last Error: System error. - Recipient mobile money readiness checks failed.+256773712831",
   "state" : "processed_with_errors"

Listing all Payments

To return a list of all payments, make a GET request to the payments endpoint. This will return a list of payment objects.

Sample Request

curl https://api.mfsafrica.com/api/payments -H "Authorization: Token ab594c14986612f6167a975e1c369e71edab6900"
package com.beyonic.examples;

import com.beyonic.Beyonic;
import com.beyonic.models.Payment;
import com.beyonic.exceptions.BeyonicException;

Beyonic.API_KEY = "ab594c14986612f6167a975e1c369e71edab6900";

String response = null;

    // Pass any extra filter options and headers
    response = new Payment().list(null, null);
catch (BeyonicException e){

$payments = Beyonic_Payment::getAll();

print_r($payments);  // Examine the returned objects
import beyonic
beyonic.api_key = 'ab594c14986612f6167a975e1c369e71edab6900'

payments = beyonic.Payment.list()

print payments  # Examine the returned objects
require 'beyonic'
Beyonic.api_key = 'ab594c14986612f6167a975e1c369e71edab6900'

payments = Beyonic::Payment.list

p payments  # Examine the returned objects

Sample Response

    "count": 2,
    "next": "http://api.mfsafrica.com/api/payments?offset=10",
    "previous": null,
    "results": [
            "id": 1,
            "organization": "MFS Africa",
            "amount": "0.0000",
            "currency": "BXC",
            "account": "1",
            "payment_type": "money",
            "metadata": null,
            "description": "Test",
            "phone_nos": [
            "state": "approved",
            "last_error": null,
            "rejected_reason": null,
            "rejected_by": null,
            "rejected_time": null,
            "cancelled_reason": null,
            "cancelled_by": null,
            "cancelled_time": null,
            "created": "2013-08-20T17:21:39Z",
            "author": 1,
            "modified": "2013-08-20T17:21:39Z",
            "updated_by": null,
            "start_date": "2013-08-20T00:00:00Z",
            "charged_fee": 0
            "id": 2,
            "organization": "MFS Africa",
            "amount": "200.0000",
            "currency": "BXC",
            "account": "2",
            "payment_type": "money",
            "metadata": null,
            "description": "Test2",
            "phone_nos": [
            "state": "scheduled",
            "last_error": null,
            "rejected_reason": null,
            "rejected_by": null,
            "rejected_time": null,
            "cancelled_reason": null,
            "cancelled_by": null,
            "cancelled_time": null,
            "created": "2013-08-22T01:53:35Z",
            "author": 1,
            "modified": "2013-08-22T01:53:36Z",
            "updated_by": 1,
            "start_date": "2013-08-21T00:00:00Z",
            "charged_fee": 0

Filtering Payments

You can search or filter payments on the following fields. Simply add them to your request as shown in the examples. You can combine multiple filters. Note that filters return exact matches only.

Ex. 2000
The collection request amount.
e.g. UGX
The currency code of the currency of the collection request.
payment_typeStringThe payment type
payment_idStringThe ID of the payment that fulfilled or matched this payment.
phone numberString
Ex. +80000000001
The phone number that the collection request was intended for. Note that the phone number will be matched in the international format, starting with a ‘+’ sign. If the ‘+’ sign isn’t included in your request, it will be appended before attempting to match your request.
Ex. ASDASDW12321312
The transaction id or transaction reference of the collection on the mobile network operator’s side
created_afterDate string
Ex. 2017-01-01 00:00
Only return collection requests created after this date
created_beforeDate string
Ex. 2017-01-01 00:00
Only return collection requests created before this date.
modified_afterDate string
Ex 2020-01-01 00:00
Only return collection requests modified after this date.
modified_beforeDate string
Ex 2020-01-01 00:00
Only return collection requests modified before this date/
Ex. new, processing, pending_confirmation, complete, error, paused, parked, paused_for_admin_action, queued, aborted)
Only return Individual Payment Status that have this payment_state.
Ex. one of : new, validated, approval_needed, approval_requested, approved, rejected, scheduled, processed, processed_with_errors, cancelled
Only return Group Payment Status that have this state
paused_reasonStringOnly return payments that have this reason text
Ex. MTN Uganda
Only return payments that are for this mobile phone network
Ex. James
Only return collection requests that have this first name in the contact.
Ex. Doe
Only return collection requests that have this last name in the contact.

Sample Request

curl https://api.mfsafrica.com/api/payments?amount=500 -H "Authorization: Token ab594c14986612f6167a975e1c369e71edab6900"
ackage com.beyonic.examples;

import com.beyonic.Beyonic;
import com.beyonic.models.Payment;
import com.beyonic.exceptions.BeyonicException;

Beyonic.API_KEY = "ab594c14986612f6167a975e1c369e71edab6900";

String response = null;

    HashMap<String, String> paymentFilters = new HashMap<>();
    paymentFilters.put("currency", "KES");
    paymentFilters.put("amount", "1000");
    response = new Payment().filter(paymentFilters, null);
catch (BeyonicException e){

$payments = Beyonic_Payment::getAll(array(
  "amount" => 500

print_r($payments);  // Examine the returned objects
import beyonic
beyonic.api_key = 'ab594c14986612f6167a975e1c369e71edab6900'

payments = beyonic.Payment.list(amount=500)

print payments  # Examine the returned objects
require 'beyonic'
Beyonic.api_key = 'ab594c14986612f6167a975e1c369e71edab6900'

payments = Beyonic::Payment.list(
  amount: 500

p payments  # Examine the returned objects