Purchase Pin

This endpoint allows you to purchase epin from any of the ePin service providers

POST https://payments.baxipay.com.ng/api/baxipay​/services​/epin​/request



Baxi-date string Date in RFC format

Authorization string See authentication page


service_type string This is the service_type of the pin product you want to purchase.

amount number This is the numberOfPins x pinValue

pinValue string This is the cost/price of the pin bundle you are willing to purchase.

numberOfPins number Total number of pins to be purchased. this should not be more than
the total quantity available from the "Retrieve Pin Bundles" request.

agentReference string Unique Id generated by the integrator to identify current transaction.

agentId string Your unique agent identification number.


  • 200: pins: this is an array of object containing pin request.
    instructions: This is a description for using the pin.
    serialNumber: This is the serial number of the pin.
    pin: This is the real pin to be used to get value for the service.
    expiresOn: This defines the validity period of the pin.
  "status": "success",
  "message": "Successful",
  "code": 200,
  "data": {
    "statusCode": "0",
    "transactionStatus": "success",
    "transactionReference": 4,
    "transactionMessage": "Successful pin purchase",
    "pins": [
        "instructions": "Dial *203*3*YOURPIN# to recharge.",
        "serialNumber": "1491224645326",
        "pin": "1290372508463929",
        "expiresOn": "2017-04-06"