Airtime Top-up

This API allows partners to send airtime to mobile phones.

Before initiating the transfer, the partner should start by validating that the mobile number can receive airtime, using the validate_airtime_account.

Once that comes back successfully, then the partner can log the transfer with airtime_trans_log.

Finally, confirm the transaction with airtime_trans_com.


Airtime topup API segments


Important Note

Topping up of airtime should not be confused with money remittance (real money). The former cannot be paid out while the latter can.

Available Methods

MethodDescriptionReturn value
validate_airtime_account Used to validate that a phone number can receive an airtime top-up.Airtime
airtime_trans_log Used to initiate but not execute an airtime top-up.TransactionAirtime
airtime_trans_com Used to execute an airtime top-up transaction.EResponse
[cancel_trans] (#cancel_trans)Used to cancel a transaction.EResponse
[get_trans_status] (#get_trans_status)Used to query a transactions status.EResponse


This method is used to validate that a phone number can receive an airtime top-up, and to obtain in response the operator it belongs to, available denominations or free range top-up values.


<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ws="" xmlns:xsd="http://mfs/xsd">


corporate_code StringYesUnique corporate code
password StringYesSecure password provided separately
from_country StringYesSend country (ISO 3166-2)
send_currency_code StringYesSend country currency code (ISO 4217)
to_country StringYesDestination country code (ISO 3166-2)
msisdn StringYesPassed in ITU-T E.164 GSM DCS 1800 format, e.g. 250700800900
to_country StringYesDestination country code (ISO 3166-2)
msisdn StringYesPassed in ITU-T E.164 GSM DCS 1800 format, e.g. 250700800900 String Yes Passed in ITU-T E.164 GSM DCS 1800 format, e.g. 250700800900


<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="">
      <ns:validate_airtime_accountResponse xmlns:ns="">
         <ns:return xsi:type="ax23:Airtime" xmlns:ax21="http://mfs/xsd" xmlns:ax23="http://airtime/xsd" xmlns:xsi="">
            <ax23:denomination xsi:type="ax23:Denomination">
            <ax23:free_range_values xsi:type="ax23:FreeRange">


airtime_mno_id StringUnique reference for the receiving MNO on the MFS system
airtime_mno_name StringMNO name
country_code StringCountry code of the destination MNO (ISO 3166-2)
country_name StringCountry name
description StringProduct description
display_text StringDescriptive text made up of currencyISO + receive_amount or other product detail
rec_amount_incl_tax StringDenominated receive amount before tax is applied at destination
receive_amount IntegerDenominated receive amount; this amount is topped up
send_amount IntegerDenominated send amount
validity_period StringValidity duration of the quote (ISO 8601 Duration)
max_receive_amount NumericMaximum amount that can be topped up as a free range amount
max_receive_amount_incl_tax NumericMaximum amount that can be topped up as a free range amount, before tax is applied at destination
max_send_amount NumericMaximum send amount that can be topped up as a free range amount
min_receive_amount NumericMinimum amount that can be topped up as a free range amount
min_receive_amount_incl_tax NumericMinimum amount that can be topped up as a free range amount, before tax is applied at destination
min_send_amount NumericMinimum send amount that can be topped up as a free range amount
receive_currency_code StringAirtime top-up currency code (ISO 4217)


This method is used to book an airtime top-up transfer, but not execute.

This transfer proposal will expire daily at 07:30 GMT (where a transfer proposal is aged >30 minutes). Attempts to execute an expired proposal will trigger an error.


<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ws="" xmlns:xsd="http://mfs/xsd">


corporate_code StringYesUnique corporate code
password StringYesSecure password, that will be separately provided via SMS
amount NumericNoSend amount
currency_code StringNoCurrency code of the send amount (ISO 4217).
amount NumericNoSending fee amount (if any)
currency_code StringNoFee currency code (ISO 4217)
amount NumericYesReceive amount
currency_code StringYesReceive amount currency code (ISO 4217)
recipient StringYesRecipient’s mobile number passed in ITU-T E.164 GSM DCS 1800 format, e.g. 250700800900
sender StringYesSender’s mobile number passed in ITU-T E.164 GSM DCS 1800 format, e.g. 250700800900. Can be passed as empty if sender has no mobile phone.
reference String (50 chars)NoA pass-through field that may be used by MFS to pass any other relevant detail.
third_party_trans_id StringYesTransaction ID of the sending partner
airtime_mno_id StringYesUnique code representing the airtime MNO on the MFS system


<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="">
      <ns:airtime_trans_logResponse xmlns:ns="">
         <ns:return xsi:type="ax23:TransactionAirtime" xmlns:ax21="http://mfs/xsd" xmlns:ax23="http://airtime/xsd" xmlns:xsi="">
     <ax21:fee xsi:type="ax21:Money">
            <ax21:mfs_trans_id xsi:nil="true"/>
            <ax21:receive_amount xsi:nil="true"/>


airtime_fx_rate StringApplicable forex rate
amount NumericFee amount
currency_code StringFee amount currency code (ISO 4217)
mfs_trans_id StringTransaction ID from the MFS Hub
amount NumericReceive amount
currency_code StringReceive amount currency code (ISO 4217)
reference StringPartner reference value.
third_party_trans_id StringTransaction ID of the sending partner


Used to commit to execute a airtime_trans_log, triggering the airtime top-up for delivery to the destination account.

The transfer proposal must be committed before it expires. Proposals will expire daily at 07:30 GMT (where a transfer proposal is aged >30 minutes). Attempts to execute an expired proposal will trigger an error.

Where you get an inconclusive result (MR102 or MR 103), you should wait for 10 seconds and call get_trans_status, if the result remains MR102 or MR 103 then wait another 10 seconds and call get_trans_status a second time, if the result remains MR102 or MR 103 then wait another 10 seconds and call get_trans_status a final third time.

After the third attempt, if still inconclusive (MR102 or MR103), stop calling and log a ticket with MFS Support.

See full code list here.


<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ws="" xmlns:xsd="http://mfs/xsd">


corporate_code StringYesUnique corporate code
password StringYesSecure password provided separately
mfs_trans_id StringYesMFS transaction ID


<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="">
      <ns:airtime_trans_comResponse xmlns:ns="">
         <ns:return xsi:type="ax21:EResponse" xmlns:ax21="http://mfs/xsd" xmlns:ax23="http://airtime/xsd" xmlns:xsi="">
            <ax21:code xsi:nil="true"/>
            <ax21:e_trans_id xsi:nil="true"/>
            <ax21:message xsi:nil="true"/>
            <ax21:third_party_trans_id xsi:nil="true"/>


code StringYesTransaction status code. See list of codes here.
e_trans_id StringYesTransaction ID of the receiving platform
message StringNoWhere available, description of the transaction status.
third_party_trans_id StringYesPartner transaction ID


A transaction that has been initiated but not yet executed can be cancelled - i.e. you can cancel a transaction that has been created (mm_trans_log ), but not if executed by trans_com.

To cancel a transaction, the partner should call this method once only per transaction it wishes to cancel.

A transaction that has been executed, but has a status of queued (MR108) may be canceled using this method, while the status remains queued MR108.


<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ws="" xmlns:xsd="http://mfs/xsd">


corporate_code StringYesUnique corporate code
password StringYesSecure password provided separately
trans_id StringYesTransaction ID on the MFS Hub or Transaction ID of the sending partner


<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="">
        <ns:cancel_transResponse xmlns:ns="">
         <ns:return xsi:type="ax21:EResponse" xmlns:ax21="http://mfs/xsd" xmlns:ax23="http://airtime/xsd" xmlns:xsi="">
            <ax21:message xsi:nil="true"/>
            <ax21:third_party_trans_id xsi:nil="true"/>


mfs_trans_id StringMFS transaction ID
code StringTransaction status code of the MFS transaction ID queried. See list of codes.
e_trans_id StringWhere available, contains the transaction ID of the receiving platform. This is different from the MFS transaction ID.
message StringWhere available, description of the transaction status.
third_party_trans_id StringPartner transaction ID


This method is used to query a transaction status.

Where you get an inconclusive result (MR102 or MR 103), you should wait for 10 seconds and call get_trans_status, if the result remains MR102 or MR 103 then wait another 10 seconds and call get_trans_status a second time, if the result remains MR102 or MR 103 then wait another 10 seconds and call get_trans_status a final third time.

After the third attempt, if still inconclusive (MR102 or MR103), stop calling and log a ticket with MFS Support.

Where you receive a queued transaction result (MR108), you should wait 60 minutes before calling get_trans_status, once per transaction ID. If the result remains MR108, call get_trans_status every 60 minutes, but only once per transaction ID, until you obtain an MR101 or ER response.

See the full list of codes here.


<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ws="" xmlns:xsd="http://mfs/xsd"> 
         <ws: trans_id></ws: trans_id> 


corporate_code StringYesUnique corporate code
password StringYesSecure password provided separately
trans_idStringYesTransaction ID on the MFS Hub or Transaction ID of the sending partner


<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=""> 
      <ns:get_trans_statusResponse xmlns:ns=""> 
         <ns:return xsi:type="ax21:EResponse" xmlns:ax21="http://mfs/xsd"  
<ax21:mfs_trans_id xsi:nil="true"/> 
            <ax21:code xsi:nil="true"/> 
            <ax21:e_trans_id xsi:nil="true"/> 
            <ax21:message xsi:nil="true"/> 
<ax21:third_party_trans_id xsi:nil="true"/> 


mfs_trans_id StringYesMFS transaction id.
codeStringYesTransaction status code of the MFS transaction ID queried. See list of codes here.
e_trans_idStringYesWhere available, contains the transaction ID of the receiving platform. This is different from the MFS transaction ID.
message StringYesStatus description
third_party_trans_idStringYesPartner transaction ID